Top 10 EMDR Questions (and Answers)

Top 10 EMDR Questions (and Answers)

If you follow the latest therapy trends, you’ve probably heard about EMDR. This is a relatively new type of therapy, first developed in 1987 after its founder, Francine Shapiro, went on a life-changing walk in the park (more on her story here). It wasn’t until 2007 that Shapiro really solidified the theory behind her discovery. Now there are a number of versions of EMDR, each building upon the original practice. That being said, some aspects of the process may not be so new. People are beginning to talk about the relationships between EMDR and indigenous practices.
How Does Bi Lateral Stimulation Help Process Traumatic Memories In EMDR Therapy

How Does Bi-lateral Stimulation Help Process Traumatic Memories in EMDR Therapy?

By Tara Rullo, LCSW

You may have come across the term bi-lateral stimulation as a component of EMDR therapy, and have felt unsure of what it really means. Let's look at what it is and why it is used in EMDR.